Get Out And Vote!!

Hey guys,

If you live in the U.S then you obviously know what day it is, Election Day!!! So I urge you to go out and vote. We’re blessed with the opportunity to let our voices be heard, so don’t let that go to waste. No matter who you’re voting for remember that at the end of the day we’re all one nation united.

Sending Peace, Love and Faith your way


Nathel Kayy

My Future Holds…

I’m a firm believer that if you vocalize your dreams and goals in life that you’re one step closer to achieving them. Today I’m feeling very inspired and optimistic so I’d love to share some of my goals and aspirations with you guys.

My Future holds lots of laughs surrounded by family and friends;

My Future holds success in everything I set my mind up to;

My Future holds love without strings attached;

My Future holds traveling the world

My Future holds glitter and jewels and everything that sparkles;

My Future holds working in the Hearst Tower;

My Future holds growing in my faith and becoming a better follower of christ;

My Future holds an Academy Award in one hand and a Grammy in the other;

My Future holds having kids of my own but also adopting kids in need;

My Future holds inspiring others just as I’ve been inspired;

My Future holds having my cake and eating it to;

My Future holds adventures and spontaneous ..

My Future holds starting my own non profit organization;

My Future holds staying connected with my closest friends no matter where life takes us;

My Future holds the love of my life standing by my side;

My Future holds living in London at some point in my life;

My Future holds all of that and much much more…

Sending Peace, Love and Faith your way


Nathel Kayy



That’s So Raven Is Back!

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Hey guys,

I recently published an article on I’d love if you’d go take a look and tell me what you think. If you watched Golden Age Disney Channel (2000-2008), then this article is a must read for you!!!

Sending Peace, Love and Faith your way


Nathel Kayy